Boogs Software

Products and Services


Direct Message Marketing


DMM is extensively known as Text Blast or SMS Marketing. It is both the most effective and most efficient medium of advertising nowadays as target markets of brands, products and services has gone more active and mobile than ever. With DMM, the client is more assured that the message they want to convey to their customers is received quickly. Your call to action is sent straight in the inbox of their cell phones and the rate of a message missed is lower when compared to any traditional Tri-media available.

Through DMM, Boogs allows you to communicate with your target customers within your chosen demographics. We aid you in your message compositions to make your SMS blast more attractive and timely for the recipients. We plan with you in doing the timelines for your SMS blast schedule so Boogs can deliver within the guidelines you set.


Loyalty Card Program
(Customer Retention Program)


Philippines is not a coupon market anymore. At present, the way to a Filipino customer's heart is through special perks and privileges you make available to them via a loyalty card. With an effective loyalty card program, you make and transform your existing customers to loyal ones – keeping them away from the present competition in the market.

Most companies acknowledge the need to do loyalty programs for their stores. But what keep them from launching a correct one are the project requirements such as costly software system, additional hardware plus manpower to look after the whole project operations. What Boogs offers is a full-service package that can work parallel with whatever POS system you have at present. Our solution allows you to run the program immediately to save your loyal customers only for your brand.


Social Media Marketing
(Digital Marketing Services)


Social media comes next after Text Blast as the most viral marketing tools of today. Internet has been a daily part of any individual's life at present. Exchange of information and means of communication has never been this fast because of technology. The trend in social media became even more powerful because of the 'share culture' being adapted in it. Taking advantage of this trend allows any marketer to communicate to its target customers while making them talk and share about your brand as well for free.

Boogs has a certified digital and social media strategist that will look after your accounts on a daily basis. Every month, the said person interacts with your marketing team to develop and review social media activities done and the ones to be facilitated the following month for all brand-marketing campaigns to be in sync.


Coupon Express


It is an electronic coupon system that allows you to collect information about your customer and giving them special incentives that they can easily share it to their social media accounts hence, the today's word-of-mouth.

We believe giving incentive to your customers should be a win-win relationship. Although, offering 50% off is very attractive to the customers but it will hurt your brand on the other hand. So we came up with this wonderful tool that will encourage people to visit your brand without jeopardizing your business.

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